Evolution of the scientific production of burnout syndrome, emotional intelligence and the practice of healthy physical activity in teachers

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Pilar Puertas Molero
Gabriel González Valero
Eduardo Melguizo Ibáñez
Marina Valverde Janer
Manuel Ortega Caballero
José Luis Ubago Jiménez


Burnout syndrome is considered a pathology present in primary education teachers, which is manifested for reasons such as high load of responsibilities or the close and continuous contact with the staff involved in the educational process. At this point, emotional intelligence and the practice of physical activity are gaining great importance as they are associated with great benefits such as high resilience, mental well-being and regulation of feelings. For this reason, the aim of this study was to establish the evolution of scientific production and the current state of the art of Burnout syndrome, emotional intelligence and physical activity practice in teachers. To do this, a search of scientific literature wa scarried out in the web of science during the period 2018-2022 and the keywords “Burnout”, “emotional intelligence”, “physical activity” and “teacher*” were used. The results of the scientific production have shown that there is a substantial increase in production within the scientific community, due to the existing problems. In this sense, it has been shown that emotional intelligence can act as a predictive factor in the appearance of Burnout syndrome symptoms. Likewise, the practice of healthy physical activity improves the ability to express, regulate and understand emotions, as well as being essential for the treatment and prevention of the signs of Burnout syndrome.


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Puertas Molero, P., González Valero, G., Melguizo Ibáñez, E., Valverde Janer, M., Ortega Caballero, M., & Ubago Jiménez, J. L. (2022). Evolution of the scientific production of burnout syndrome, emotional intelligence and the practice of healthy physical activity in teachers. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 359–368. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v2.2364


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