Children’s education right in international mobility situation

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Alejandro E. Garrido ´Gómez
Javier O. Paredes Mallea


Last past years Latinoamerica has been a migratory escenary without precedents, as a consecuence from that, complete families have been moving from different countries searching for better opportunities. In this context, the right to education in children population, indeed this context, has been affected, above all having difficulties to be part of educational systems in the transit or destiny countries. In 2021 the International Integration Institute of the Andrés Bello Organization Agreement (Instituto Internacional de Integración de la Organización del Convenio Andrés Bello) in La Paz – Bolivia, has developed an investigation designated to identify the mechanisms to warranty the Childrens’ Education Right in International Mobility Situation in Bolivia. The investigation has been implemented starting with three components. The first one assigned to recognice the children study knowledge throught the CAB Equivalence Chart; the second, to the Educational Support Program implementation to children’s in mobility situation and, the third, to teachers training based on classroom educative integration. In this way, under intercultural educative approach, the mechanims and actions of many actors committed, it has been running the process of children’s education inclusión in international mobility situation. 


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How to Cite
Garrido ´Gómez, A. E., & Paredes Mallea, J. O. (2022). Children’s education right in international mobility situation. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 419–426.
Author Biographies

Alejandro E. Garrido ´Gómez, Investigador IIICAB


Javier O. Paredes Mallea, Investigador IIICAB



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