Pedagogy’s new sources of employment and their incorporation into study plans
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Although Pedagogy studies were originally designed to satisfy the needs of formal educational context, societal training or educational needs exist in other areas too. That is why the professional opportunities for these studies have been extended to new contextssuch as non-formal education or business. However,and despite the emergence of these new sources of employment for these professionals, some studies show that students are dissatisfied with training received during their university studies because they do not adjust to their future professional possibilities. In the present study, a review of the study plans of the Degree in Pedagogy in different Spanish universities is carried out. The objective is to assess whether there is an adaptation of the curricular subjects to the students and society’s demands. The results show a curricular diversification that encompass areas different from formal education. However, most of the educational offer in the non-formal, business, or institutional field is carried out through optional subjects. It has only been observed that some universities offer training in these fields within their basic or compulsory subjects. It could be considered, therefore, necessary both from the educational field and from the professional field that an adaptation of the study plans of the Degree in Pedagogy be carried out. This is what students are demanding in the recent years, so that the training of the future professionals will be to the social and working market needs.
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