The Procusto syndrome

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Juan José Maldonado Briegas
Antonio Javier Álvarez Martínez
Noemí Betsabé Abdo Touma
Florencio Vicente Castro


Greek culture and its myths help, on numerous occasions, to rename pathologies, syndromes, disorders, manias, human behaviors and usual expressions of language loaded with meaning and relevance. The Procrustean Syndrome is a psychological pathology whose identifying name comes from Greek mythology. When a person suffers from it, it usually generates discomfort around them, causing disastrous results in any social organization because it disables subordinates. We have found little research on the Procrustean syndrome, despite its wide influence as a hidden and significant social reality, in the sense of signifying an ineffective and toxic management in the development of work and professional teams or groups. The initial objective of our research is to narrate and describe a specific case of Procrustean syndrome, of a professional affected by it; to analyze the negative transcendence of his management in the group directed by this person and the titanic efforts of these to overcome the permanent negative to his growth. Previously and given the few existing studies in this regard, we will focus on carrying out work at the bibliometric level on contributions and previous studies. Given the specific reality of the case, we included in the study other similar ones to which we have had access because they are significant in known work environments, applying the study to a single person, but described from the teaching, health, social, and political spheres. After analyzing this case, we will try to draw consequences on possible actions and advice in this regard.


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How to Cite
Maldonado Briegas, J. J., Álvarez Martínez, A. J., Betsabé Abdo Touma, N., & Vicente Castro, F. (2023). The Procusto syndrome. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 197–212.
Author Biographies

Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Prof. Facultad de Económicas. Uex

Prof. Facultad de Económicas. Uex

Antonio Javier Álvarez Martínez, Prof. Univ. Univ. UEMC., Valladolid

Prof. Univ. Univ. UEMC., Valladolid

Noemí Betsabé Abdo Touma, Investigadora INFAD

Investigadora INFAD

Florencio Vicente Castro, Investigador INFAD

Investigador INFAD



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