Thirty years of the educational system "school of understanding"

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Yuri Troitski
Elena Van Povedskaya


The innovative educational system called "School of Understanding" has been operating successfully for thirty years and represents an evolutionary educational environment that allows the students of the School to generate new
disciplinary senses in each class, turning it into a communicative event. The students not only gain solid knowledge, but also become communicative personalities, capable of maintain horizontal communication, manage the flows and sources of information from critical thinking ethical, put yourself in the role of researchers and, above all, handle some cognitive instruments that can be
applied for many years in various spheres of life.


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How to Cite
Troitski, Y., & Van Povedskaya, E. (2023). Thirty years of the educational system "school of understanding". International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 299–304.


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