Quality assessment of the INFAD journal. Analysis of search results in scientific journal databases
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The present work bases its foundation on the study of the quality of the INFAD Journal of Psychology, “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology” (IJODAEP), on the quality and impact analysis platforms of national and international scientific journals. According to the search categories of the journal in the currently most used scientific databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, SJR, MIAR, etc., an analysis of the quality indication factors has been carried out, which, therefore, influence the relevance of the journal itself. The results based on the examination of each of the databases, scientific category and the position that the journal occupies, quality and impact indicators, visibility of the journal, the number ofarticles published or others, have shown and verified the value and the competition of its publications and also the potential that the Magazine has. Also, when carrying out the analysis, recent nomination and positive score that the journal has obtained by FECYT, the body of the Ministry of Science and Innovation that evaluates the Quality of Spanish Scientific Journals, has been considered.
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