Methodological strategies to work on ageism from current education

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María Natividad Elvira Zorzo


The arrival of the new legislative Orders in Spain for the Degrees in Early Childhood, Primary and Master’s Education in Teacher Training in ESO and Baccalaureate, causes new changes necessary to improve education and cause social change. One of
the currently necessary changes is the need to work on social values from the classroom, in order to improve society through education. This study focuses on the social vision of aging and the role of education to prevent stigma towards old age and exclusion towards older people. It is important to keep in mind that there is an aging population, which means that different generations must live together. The attitudes, stereotypes and stigma towards older people in society lead to exclusion and, therefore, a poor society in terms of values and evolution. The purpose of this article is to help raise awareness about the value of education in the development of a person’s identity and the importance of training teachers in prevention and intervention in ageism from educational centers. In this study a descriptive analysis of the current situation of ageism in education is presented and some methodological strategies are proposed to eliminate ageism from educational institutions. 


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How to Cite
Elvira Zorzo, M. N. (2023). Methodological strategies to work on ageism from current education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 29–40.
Author Biography

María Natividad Elvira Zorzo, Universidad de Salamanca

Departamento de Psicología Social y Antropología
Universidad de Salamanca


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