Educational innovation project (PIE 04-2223): interdisciplinary work in community intervention between human nutrition and dietetics and occupational therapy

Main Article Content

Elisa Bullón Benito
Estíbaliz Jiménez Arberas
Antonio Javier Álvarez Martínez
Paula Crespo Escobar


Introduction: At social-health area professionals ussually work in interdisciplinary teamwork. Because of this, the basic and general competencies of university degrees include transversal skills, which allow the performance of this task to be acquired in the module competencies through the learning outcomes. And in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes,
the general objective of this project was to promote teamwork in Health Sciences degrees. Material and methods: This activity was developed in two academic courses, within the subjects Community Occupational Therapy and Community Nutrition. Three sessions were given by the faculty, providing information for the development and management of a joint clinical case. Subsequently, the practical part was developed by the students and the results of the learning outcome and satisfaction were collected. Results: The results of the self-evaluation and team evaluation obtained scores above 1.6 out of 2 in all items, being higher in the second edition. Student satisfaction was above 3.7 out of 5 in all items, being higher in the first edition. The request for improvement in the first edition was directed to the face-to-face completion of the course, and in the second edition to having more guidance from the teaching staff. Conclusions: The activity was of interest and useful for the students, but there is a need for greater dedication to the development of the skills involved in the coordination of
professionals and teamwork.


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How to Cite
Bullón Benito, E., Jiménez Arberas, E., Álvarez Martínez, A. J., & Crespo Escobar, P. (2023). Educational innovation project (PIE 04-2223): interdisciplinary work in community intervention between human nutrition and dietetics and occupational therapy. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 61–72.
Author Biographies

Elisa Bullón Benito, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Estíbaliz Jiménez Arberas, Facultad Padre Osso

Facultad Padre Osso

Antonio Javier Álvarez Martínez, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Paula Crespo Escobar, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes


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