Educating emotions: thoughts, self-esteem and behavior of adolescents based of their emotional education

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María Carballo Maya
Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro


Education must be conceived in a comprehensive manner, covering all aspects of the person, including, of course, those related to the emotions that the person and others experience. This statement has been increasing its importance, in such a way that, currently, Emotional Education has acquired a welldeserved relevance in all stages of life. Specifically, in adolescence this educational process is essential for young
people to learn to know themselves and interact with people in a correct, positive and effective way. For this reason, emotional competencies must be developed from the earliest childhood, making good use of Emotional
Education by families and educational centers to ensure that children can recognize, understand, regulate and effectively manage their emotions and do not succumb to negative thoughts that can generate maladaptive
behaviors that are harmful to their physical and mental health. In this sense, the present work aims to analyze the influence of the educational contexts closest to adolescents, in order to investigate the thoughts, self-esteem and behaviors of these young people based on their Emotional Education. For that, an ad hoc questionnaire was used, consisting of 60 items, divided into three blocks (Likert-type scale, multiple responses and open questions); which was applied to a sample of adolescents (n=226) in an age group between 12 and 18 years old, Secondary Education students corresponding to school years from the 1st of E.S.O. and the 2nd of Secondary Graduate School. Among the most significant results we can highlight that empathy has been the subcategory with the highest score by all the school years analyzed, while emotional control has also been the lowest rated by each of them. 


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How to Cite
Carballo Maya, M., & Isidro de Pedro, A. I. (2024). Educating emotions: thoughts, self-esteem and behavior of adolescents based of their emotional education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 373–380.
Author Biographies

María Carballo Maya, Educadora Social

Educadora Social

Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca


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