Gender and stress, anxiety, depression in psychology studentes: a post-confinement study due to covid-19.

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Alina de las Mercedes Campos Puente
Delia Gladys Rico Chanamé


Introduction: In order to decrease the risks of infection during the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most effective measures was the confinement . Nevertheless, its repercution has had a negative impact in the mental health of the population, and the University students have not been exempted fro suffering stress and anxious-depressive symptomatology. Objective: To know the relationship between gender and stress, anxiety and depression in Psychology students. All this in order to create intervention strategies, and mental health treatment in this population. Method: A transversal quantitative study was carried out, by an inferential correlational, by a convenience intentional simple. In the study 1069 Psychology students participated, of the Private University San Juan Bautista, in Lima, 77% (n=823) women, 23% (n=246), men: ages between 16 to 67 years (X=20.96, DS= 4,6 ). We used SPSSv26 for descriptive statistics analysis and comparisons. Means Used: Sociodemographic data questionnaire (ad hoc). Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) ((Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). Results: 1) In term of stress, there are not significant differences between men and women. 2) Concerning anxiety, there are significant differences, men show a higher frequency of normal levels of anxiety, while in women there is a higher frequency of moderate levels of anxiety. 3) On the depression, the difference is slightly significant between men and women, beig greater the high levels in
women. Conclusions: During the post-confinement period, caused by Covid-19, in the participating Psychology students, gender directly influences levels of anxiety. It is significant that the frequency of moderate levels of anxiety is higher in women tan in men.


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How to Cite
Campos Puente, A. de las M., & Rico Chanamé, D. G. (2024). Gender and stress, anxiety, depression in psychology studentes: a post-confinement study due to covid-19. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 21–26.
Author Biographies

Alina de las Mercedes Campos Puente, Dra. en Psicología Docente Investigadora Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista

Dra. en Psicología
Docente Investigadora
Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista

Delia Gladys Rico Chanamé, Dra. en Psicología Docente Ordinaria Auxiliar Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista

Dra. en Psicología
Docente Ordinaria Auxiliar
Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista


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