Online mindfulness-based intervention for stress management in university students
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Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) are effective tools for managing the stress associated with university students academic lives. Recently, these interventions have begun to be implemented online, emerging as effective and accessible alternatives in various contexts. However, there is limited research on their implications in academic settings. The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an online MBI in reducing academic stress levels and optimizing coping strategies among university students. A quasi- experimental design was employed, with an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG) using a pretest-posttest measurement approach. Two scales from the Academic Stress Questionnaire (ASQ; Cabanach et al., 2009) were used as measurement instruments, focusing on psychophysiological stress responses (R-ASQ) and coping strategies (C-ASQ). The sample consisted of 87 first-year students from the Faculty of Sport Sciencesat the University of Extremadura. Twenty of these students volunteered to form the EG and participate in an eight-week online mindfulness program. The results indicated that the EG had lower average scores in the dimensions of academic stress and slightly higher scores in most coping strategy dimensions after the intervention, compared to the CG. However, the observed differences did not reach statistical significance. These findings highlight the necessity of enhancing the planning and design of online interventions, providing extended follow-up periods to examine their long-term effects and compare the outcomes in various populations and contexts.
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