The effects of cell phone on the development of executive functions

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Gracia Mª Gómez Alexandre
Susana Sánchez Herrera
Ana María Nunes Galvão


The impact of social isolation in relation to the real world is broad and may be due to the social and anthropological changes caused by mobile phone use. The need to share information immediately is not limited to a question of age nor is it restricted to a specific context. It can manifest itself in any environment, be it school, family, social, professional, cultural or even in personal relationships that can trigger a currently unregulated addiction. The objective of this study is to identify if there is a relationship between mobile phone use and the possibility of developing an addiction based on sociodemographic variables, as well as to study possible deteriorations in the correct development of Executive Functions. To this end, the influence of different variables such as age and sex of the participants, their geographical location, as well as their academic training or employment situation has been studied through a cross-sectional descriptive design. In this cross-sectional design, the differences between the independent variable (problematic mobile phone use) are studied as a function of the dependent variables (gender, age, educational level, current employment situation and location). The sample for this study is made up of 196 participants and is non-probabilistic and incidental and was evaluated using an ad-hoc questionnaire, which is composed of 10 items that include sociodemographic variables, mobile phone use, hours of use, frequency of turning it off and on at night, what it is most frequently used for, and by the MOBILE PHONE USE SCALE by López-Fernández et al. (2012), composed of 26 items, which aim to explore the existence or absence of excessive or problematic mobile phone use. The results indicate that the age variable and the sex variable significantly influence the risk of developing excessive mobile phone use, with the other sociodemographic variables not being relevant for problematic mobile phone use. Based on this, psychological intervention guidelines are proposed for the correct development of executive functions at risk of developing a possible addiction or excessive use of mobile phones.


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How to Cite
Gómez Alexandre, G. M., Sánchez Herrera, S., & Nunes Galvão, A. M. (2024). The effects of cell phone on the development of executive functions. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 233–242.
Author Biographies

Gracia Mª Gómez Alexandre, Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Susana Sánchez Herrera, Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Ana María Nunes Galvão, Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Universidad de Extremadura/Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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