The inclusion and rejection of the hearing impaired
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With the beginning of educational inclusion achieving universal accessibility for all people, especially the most vulnerable groups, new modifications and improvements have been promoted to eliminate any type of discrimination, prejudice, or stereotype. However, there still exists a disparity between the inclusion and rejection of students with hearing disabilities in schools. Therefore, the overall objective was to predict the probability of having high scores in the factor Refusal of people with hearing impairment for each variable analysed. These were the students’ perception and attitude towards the inclusion of their hearing-impaired classmates, and the students’ perception of the teacher’s and parents’ attitude towards the inclusion of this group. The sample consisted of 823 students in secondary education, aged between 13 and 16 years. The statistical technique used in the study was logistic regression, following the step-forward procedure based on the Wald statistic. The instruments selected for data collection were the Specific Scale of Attitudes towards Persons with Hearing Impairment (EAPDA) and the Semi-structured interview for the evaluation of attitudes towards disability and inclusion (EADI). As a conclusion, it is started that the probability of presenting a high score in Rejection of people with hearing impairment decreases for each point of increase in the variables analysed.
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