Quaternary prevention, the state of the art !
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Quaternary prevention, initiated approximately 30 years ago by the Belgian doctor Marc Jamoulle, is currently an obligatory reference in the management of the health/disease equation of our time, however, coexisting in practice with numerous paradoxes that are difficult to resolve as the different actors share different interests that are difficult to resolve. reconcile in practice. Overmedicalization, overinformation, overscreening, overdiagnosis, overtretment, represent realities that require knowledge and control efforts marked, because the existing formulations of so many variables with interrelations. Known and unknown are not easy to operationalize to everyone’s satisfaction. Ivan Illich, Geoffrey Rose, Marc Jamoulle and many others interpreted realities of its time with an impact on future times and today we try to understand why not. Have appropriate measures been implemented that are consistent with your ideas? Quaternary prevention is certainly a pillar of Medicine that is not widespread but restricted to those faithful who, understanding its essence, oppose the medicalization of society, to the infinite cascades of surreal diagnoses that contribute to the growth of Pharmaceutical Laboratories. How is the state of the art? New directions are filled with new hopes in this case of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
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