Nursing care in the case of pediatric oncology patients on paliative care: a narrative review
Main Article Content
Introduction: Cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in the child and adolescent population in Brazil. Therefore, the relevance of palliative care is clear, as it is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients facing oncological diseases. Objectives: to investigate the relevance of nursing care for pediatric cancer patients in palliative care. Methodology: this is a narrative review of the literature. The descriptors used in the searches were “Oncology”, “Pediatrics”,“Palliative Care” and “Nursing”. Results: caring for children with cancer requires specific approaches, different from those applied to adults, considering emotional and physical aspects, such as pain, anxiety and fear. Nursing has a crucial role, due to continuous contact with the patient, promoting technical and humanized care. The Systematization of Nursing Care is essential to improve the quality of care, creating interventions adapted to the needs of pediatric patients. Furthermore, care interventions must also focus on preventing adverse effects of therapy, promoting healthy habits. Including the family in the care process is essential, offering emotional support and communicating appropriately about the treatment. It is vital that nurses know how to deal with breaking bad news and support the family, ensuring dignified and humanized care. Conclusion: the progression of incurable neoplasia in children causes profound suffering, requiring nurses to use different methodologies, such as Integrative and Complementary Practices and other light technologies to
support biopsychosocial care. Adequate training in palliative care, both during graduation and through continuing education, is essential for comprehensive and humanized care.
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