Epidemiological data of elderly people adscribed to basic family health unit in the municipality of Campina Grande (PB – Brazil)
Main Article Content
Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) are strongly influenced by living conditions and social inequalities, affecting people who are in vulnerable groups, such as the elderly. The dynamism of the age pyramid highlights the change in the health profile in the world, however, concomtantly with this, public health policies that promote the reduction/prevention of NCDs are not responding to the needs that arise. Therefore, the present work aims to identify the epidemiological profile of elderly people registered at the Family Health Unit (UBSF) Hindemburgo Nunes de Figueiredo, in order to promote subsidies to contribute to the development of public policies and care directed towards health interventions. in the aging population. This is a cross-sectional research, with a population of elderly people, of an exploratory, descriptive, analytical nature, with a quantitative-qualitative approach. Carried out through a specific questionnaire aimed at doorto-door data collection, involving the conditions present in the elderly population in the territory covered by the UBSF, and the living conditions of these individuals. The data were cataloged and analyzed using SPSS statistical
software (version 22.0). 126 elderly people participated in the research, 69% of whom were women, the average age was 69.6 years (SD ± 7.36); regarding the prevalence of the main NCDs, the following were identified: systemic arterial hypertension (76.2%), neoplasia (42.4%), heart disease (35.7%), osteoarticular problems (39.7%), diabetes (33. 3%) and pneumopathy (9.5%), in addition, 73.8% receive only the minimum wage and 70% are sedentary. It is concluded that, among the possible causes of NCDs among the individuals investigated are
lifestyle habits and unfavorable socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, early investigation actions to track NCDs are extremely important for planning preventive and clinical educational activities, in order to improve the quality
of life of this rapidly growing population.
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