Situational awareness of teachers in training during emergency education
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The Covid-19 pandemic caused substantial changes in the educational field, leading to education in emergency situations mediated by information and communication technologies. In this sense, the students faced complex and uncertain situations; however, being student with previous educational training, they are considered to be able to observe, as well as analyzing the implications of the pandemic in the educational field to understand the situation and make decisions in relation to their training process. The present study is qualitative, aims to describe the adequacies in the study techniques and learning strategies that teachers in the process of postgraduate training in the educational area carried out during education in emergency situations due to the Covid-19 pandemic from personal resources, for the purpose of responding to the situation. The results were analyzed throught the content analysis technique and the answers were categorized into three aspects: 1. Difficulties faced 2. Adjustments made and 3. Personal resources. The results make evident the presence of technical, environmental, health and emotional difficulties, so that understanding the pandemic situation and the effects on learning, allowed them to make conscious decisions to modify their study techniques and learning strategies based on resilience, commitment, responsibility and positive attitudes as personal resources that contributed to the achievement of competencies and development of skills that streng thened their academic and professional training.
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