Effects of covid-19 confinement on sexting practices among mexican youth
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Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing measures significantly impacted interpersonal dynamics, fostering the consolidation of digital platforms and potentially influencing sexting behaviors within specific demographic cohorts. This study aimed to scrutinize variations in sexting prevalence during the COVID-19 lockdown period among Mexican adolescents, delineating distinctions by gender, age, and sexual experience. A cohort of 1423 participants hailing from ten Mexican states partookin thestudy, with 1142 individuals reporting priorengagement in sexting activities. The mean age of the cohort was 20.49 years, with near half being female. In adherence to public health protocols, data collection occurred via online questionnaires, facilitated through a survey panel platform. Analysis revealed a discernible escalation in sexting prevalence, particularly among younger cohorts, sexually inexperienced individuals, and males, albeit with moderate effects. The implications of these findings are examined within the context of sexting assessment methodologies and the regulatory measures enforced in Mexico during the pandemic.
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