Feasibility of a board game to address fear in early adulthood
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Wereport theapplication ofa board game designed with a proposed methodology for the development of board games for clinical psychological use, with the aim of evidencing its viability in terms of utility, pertinence, adequacy and relevance in the identification, expression and regulation of fear in early adulthood. This is an exploratory-descriptive study with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, in which 102 Mexican adults selected through a non-probability sampling participated. A semistructured questionnaire developed for the purposes of this study was used. The analysis of the data through frequency distribution indicates that 87.3% of the participants considered that their experience with the game was good; In addition, 99% of the participants consider that the game was useful, mainly because it helped to identify and express the emotion of fear, as well as to listen to opinions and share ideas related to the action and regulation of fear, likewise 99% said that they would recommend the game to other people of their age. It should be noted that prior to the application of the game, it was validated by expert judges. Therefore, it is concluded that the board game designed to address fear is adequate, pertinent, relevant and useful in raising awareness of the naturalness of emotion and the importance of expressing it. In the design of the game, the need to adhere to a methodology based on scientific evidence that contributes to the design of this type of resources for psychological use is highlighted.
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