Competences of university teaching staff: identification, assessment and contrast according to students

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Rubén González
Adrián Escapa González
Jorge Magdaleno Marco
José Guillermo Rosas Mayoral
María José Fínez
María Consuelo Morán


The following teaching innovation work measured the know-how competencies of university teaching staff as established by the European Higher Education Area. In this new way of understanding higher education, teachers play the role of learning guides. This situation requires that teachers have other competencies in addition to the scientific knowledge of their discipline. To find out about these competencies valued by university students, the Scale to Evaluate Competencies of the Know-How of the University Professor was applied to 202 students at the University of León from different degrees. This scale consists of 15 items that are answered on a Likert-type scale and measures skills such as motivation, empathy, communication, planning or problem solving. The results show that there are differences when competences are classified according to the sex, age or qualifications of the students. Women value their teachers’ planning or motivational skills more. Older students value assessment competence more, while students of Law and Business Administration degrees highlight the need for their teachers to have planning and teamwork skills. These results show that university teaching staff must not only develop new competencies in the context of the European Higher Education Area, but that some of them must be enhanced more depending on other variables such as academic disciplines or the age of the students, to improve their teaching work.


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How to Cite
González, R., Escapa González, A., Magdaleno Marco, J., Rosas Mayoral, J. G., Fínez, M. J., & Morán, M. C. (2024). Competences of university teaching staff: identification, assessment and contrast according to students. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 343–352.
Author Biographies

Rubén González, Universidad de León

Universidad de León

Adrián Escapa González, Universidad de León

Universidad de León

Jorge Magdaleno Marco, Universidad de León

Universidad de León

José Guillermo Rosas Mayoral, Universidad de León

Universidad de León

María José Fínez, Universidad de León

Universidad de León

María Consuelo Morán, Universidad de León

Universidad de León


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