Perceived self-efficacy in adherence to the role of caregiver: relationship with sociodemographic variables
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Introduction: In an integral and complex role of caring for a dependent family member, the family caregiver develops behaviours in the exercise of thisrole with variableself-efficacy. Self-efficacyistheability to implement these behaviours in new and stressful situations. It is, therefore, a relevant object of study. Objective: To analyse the relationship between the perception of self-efficacy in the behaviours of adherence to the role of family caregiver and some sociodemographic variables. Methodology: This is a descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach in which 111 informal family carers, users of a Family Health Unit (USF) in the north of Portugal, participated. The data was collected using a form applied by telephone by the researchers and processed using SPSS 29.0 software, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Of the total sample (n= 111), the majority of informal carers, members of a family, were female (82.9%), belonged to the 45-64 age group (52.3%), had the marital status of married/marital partnership (64.0%) and the largest group fell into the Middle class (33.3%). The majority of the family carers perceived themselves as incompetent in stimulating the family member’s independence (70.3%) but competent in assisting the dependent family member in their self- surveillance (78.4%). The perception of self-efficacy in the behaviours of adherence to the role of assisting the dependent family member in their self-monitoring differed between family carers with different marital status (Kruskal Wallis: p < 0.030), with divorced carers perceiving greater competence, followed by married carers(68.00 > 57.06 points). Single carers perceived themselves as having the lowest competence. Conclusions: The roles in which family carers perceived themselves to be less competent were identified, making it necessary for training to be made available to these carers to improve the health and well-being of the dependent member and even the family carer themselves.
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