The limit intellectual capacity: the great forgotten

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Begoña Medina Gómez
Elvira Mercado Val
Isabel García Alonso


The term limit intellectual capacity or also called bordeline refers to a complex clinical entity that has hardly been investigated and that includes people who technically do not have intellectual disability but who obtain low IQ scores, in the threshold of approximately 71-84. These people face daily ignorance and misunderstanding of a society that neither recognizes their limitations nor treats them as equals, and that in most cases, they will not complete compulsory schooling, they will have serious difficulties in accessing the world and they will not participate actively in society. The objective of this article is to provide information to contribute to the visibility of these people, to make known the difficulties they present in the educational and work environment, to transmit considerations to improve the diagnosis and propose actions that optimize the functioning of this group. To this end, a review of the articles published in recent years has been carried out contrasting their contributions with the experiences of professionals and family members.


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Medina Gómez, B., Mercado Val, E., & García Alonso, I. (2015). The limit intellectual capacity: the great forgotten. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 365–372.


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