Personal well-being in the elderly

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Inmaculada Menacho Jiménez
Pedro Ramiro Oliver
Esperanza Marchena Consejero


The purpose of this research was to analyze the differences between personal well-being in institucionalized and non institucionalized older adults. We also wanted to know the influence that some psychosocial factors could have upon the personal well-being. Factors considered were psychosocial variables such as gender, marital status, people living or not with them (partner, children, other family members), education and socioeconomic level, taking or not prescriptions, and the age. For people living in institutions, we studied how long they have been living in nursurey elderly home. The Questionaire to evaluate the personal well-being was the EBP from Sánchez-Cánovas (1998), but we just assesed two scales: psychological and material well-being because of our population. We evaluated 100 older adults aged between 58-98 year old. Some of them were living in institutions from the region of Cadiz (N= 49), and the others (N=51) were from a special university course for elderly people in the University of Cadiz. We calculated the t Student in order to analyze the differences in personal well-being between older adults living or not in institutions. Non statistically significant differences were found.


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Menacho Jiménez, I., Ramiro Oliver, P., & Marchena Consejero, E. (2014). Personal well-being in the elderly. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 150–157.


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