Snuff, and alcohol consumption in young students training cycle

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Encarnación Lozano Galván


An area of recent interest in psychology is devoted to drug use; issue of vital importance for their impact on the physical, mental and social health. This paper attempts to provide an overview of the use of legal drugs: alcohol and snuff young students training cycles. The sample consists of 200 young people (129 men and 71 women) between 16 and 22 years, enrolled in 1st and 2nd year Intermediate and Higher level vocational training in a public school of the city of Badajoz, to which we applied a questionnaire used in the adoption of research conducted by the PNSD; ESTUDES. The results showed that a high percentage of our young people usually consume snuff and alcohol; concluding that something is wrong in prevention programs, for which we must emphasize it.


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How to Cite
Lozano Galván, E. (2014). Snuff, and alcohol consumption in young students training cycle. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 215–228.


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