Program for the increase of reading efficiency in adolescent students with low vision

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Carlos Manuel Santos Plaza
Mª Elena del Campo Adrián


This research describes the design and development of an optimization program addressed to improve the reading efficiency of student with low vision, EFILECT. An individualized programme for adolescent students, aged 11 to 18, with moderate or severe low vision. EFILECT allows them to apply an intervention program based on a combined model of procedures like: repeated reading, joint reading and speed reading techniques. EFILECT program has been applied in a study involving 6 students with visual impairment and reading difficulties. The group of students participating in the research have got a significant improvement in the reading efficacy. In this article we performe a single-subject analysis of 3 students. Acording to the results EFILECT appears to be an effective program for some students with visual impairments. Teachers can engage children in programs addressed to implement strategies in an effort to develop automaticity in reading and improve comprehension. However a more in depth research is needed in order to develop and validate programs addressed to implement strategies. These strategies will allow to optimize and minimize the learning efforts.


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How to Cite
Santos Plaza, C. M., & del Campo Adrián, M. E. (2014). Program for the increase of reading efficiency in adolescent students with low vision. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 317–326.


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