Relationship between the sensation seeking variable and its relation to the abuse of internet in adolescents

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Fernando Lara Ortega
Gloria Pérez de Albéniz Garrote


In the present work, we analyse the relationship between the components of the sensation seeking variable and its relation to the abuse of internet. A sample was taken of 634 students who were enrolled in Burgos capital in their second degree of Compulsory Secondary Education and Non-Compulsory Secondary Education. The aim of our study is to clarify some questions about the consequences that the abuse of Information and Communication Technology can be generating in our younger population, in order to improve the precociousness in the diagnosis and propose alternatives and educational answers, so as to prevent and guide adolescents.


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Lara Ortega, F., & Pérez de Albéniz Garrote, G. (2014). Relationship between the sensation seeking variable and its relation to the abuse of internet in adolescents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 427–438.


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