The efficient personality in the university and the use of good humor

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Juan Carlos Bustamante
Carlos Salavera
José Luis Antoñanzas
Javier Chueca
José Carrón
Soledad Larrosa
Carmen Bericat


Individual differences in the construct Efficient Personality in undergraduates could determine differences in the proper handling of sociopersonal and socioaffective competencies when faced with academic demands, which may be associated both with differences in psychological wellbeing.Wellbeing is associated with the sense of humor that involves three different affective variables (cheerfulness, seriousness and bad mood). We aimed to determine whether individual differences in Efficient Personality are associated with differences in the disposition for using good humor. For this purpose 39 undergraduates (all the participant were women) completed the Efficient Personality Questionnaire for the university context (CPE -U) and the STCI-30 scale for the assessment of good humor. Bivariate correlation analyses were performed to determine a possible association between Efficient Personality components and the variables that modulate the good humor. The results showed positive correlations between the variable Cheerfulness and the factors Self-esteem, Academic Self-realization and Solving Efficiency, and between the variable Seriousness and the factor Solving Efficiency. Also, negative correlations between the variable Bad Mood and the factors Self-esteem and Solving Efficiency were observed. Therefore, individual differences in Efficient Personality in undergraduates are related with differences for experiencing or showing more positive emotions toward a greater willingness to good humor.


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How to Cite
Bustamante, J. C., Salavera, C., Antoñanzas, J. L., Chueca, J., Carrón, J., Larrosa, S., & Bericat, C. (2014). The efficient personality in the university and the use of good humor. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 467–476.


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