The difficulty of reaching agreement on human relationship: ego control to inner peace

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Isaac Encinas Martín
Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera


Wanting to be right is the main cause of conflicts involving human relationship. And the reason for the being of such cause is found in the ego. (We will use the term Ego, as part of the self that is at the service of the superego, in the sense Capra) It is assessing the psychological distress caused by the dependence of the ego. We believe that in the field of psychotherapy is of great importance to the domain of the ego to reach agreement among professionals that benefit our patients and not confuse them and learn to eliminate psychological suffering that produces lose control of the ego. To the above can be solved and lead a life of healthy relationship, outside prejudices and complexes have two fundamental tools; assertiveness and self-esteem.


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How to Cite
Encinas Martín, I., & Fajardo Caldera, M. I. (2014). The difficulty of reaching agreement on human relationship: ego control to inner peace. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 535–540.
Author Biographies

Isaac Encinas Martín, Universidad de Extremadura

Médico Psicoterapeuta

Mª Isabel Fajardo Caldera, Universidad de Extremadura.

Profesora TU. Facultad de Educación.
Universidad de Extremadura.


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