Aging challenges for people with intellectual disabilities

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José Antonio Del Barrio
Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias
Josefa González


The Ageing people with disabilities, he has not yet gained scientific and social the interest that requires enormous relevance and significance of the topic. The adult population is growing dramatically, from extending their life expectancy, having increasingly elderly in our society, and therefore, more people with disabilities reach this stage of life. We will have to pay particular attention to its various and numerous fronts: cognitive, health, emotional life, social life, development of hobbies, occupation time, mode of residence or housing, self-awareness, coping with loss, and many other things....

However, rarely the intellectual disability is related whit old age. Therefore, in this intervention centering on new approaches to disability: the model of support and quality of life; It addressed, the aging of older people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with its peculiarities and needs. Both cognitive and the emotional and mental wellbeing aspects are mainly considered. It should be identified, assessment tools, programs and guidelines, all aimed at promoting a process of active aging, which contributes to improving the quality of life of older people with intellectual disabilities, promoting every one of the dimensions that make up this concept.

A great social challenge is now the STAGE ageing of people with disabilities. It will be the great challenge of our century on aging.


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How to Cite
Del Barrio, J. A., Sánchez Iglesias, A. I., & González, J. (2016). Aging challenges for people with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 47–56.


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