Innovation and telemedicine: an applied project

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Loreto Gesualdo
Valeria Caggiano
Andrea Bellezza
Claudio Mastropaolo


Telemedicine, defined by the World Health Organization as ‘integrative part of telecommunication systems in the promotion of public health’, generates different positive results: more efficiency, less costs, better patient’s quality of life. Thanks to the advances in diagnostic technologies, information technologies, remote monitoring and long-distance care, telemedicine have increased the viability of home-based care, even for patients with serious conditions. At the same time we observe the increase in the elderly population suffering from pluripatologyand chronic diseases, that causes an increasing recourse to medical and hospital care; but prolonged hospital stay can determine loss of function and psychophysical disorders. Telemedicine is 'the investigation, monitoring and management of patients and education of patients and staff using systems which allow ready access to expert advice and patient information, no matter where the patient or relevant information is located'. We are empowering in different areas new biomedical and information technology as a support to clinical practice. The goal is to make a case study and to use for future analysis. In the experimental phase 4 patients were followed on hemodialysis and 4 in peritoneal dialysis, previously evaluated for clinical, social, logistical and psychological conditions. It is estimated that today there are 50.000 patients on dialysis and about 10.000 new cases a year only in Italy. Naturally there are threats to solve because users face difficulties, in terms of interaction with robots, in their usual context of life.The right methodology needs to coordinate the entire hospital, different professionals, patients, providing tools for care givers that follow patients, training technicians, aligning data collection and communication.The project reached great results in relation to the indicators: efficiency in dialysis, compliance with health protocols, impact on patient quality of life. Telemedicine and telecardiology projects are active at the ‘Hospital at Home Service of Bari’.


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How to Cite
Gesualdo, L., Caggiano, V., Bellezza, A., & Mastropaolo, C. (2016). Innovation and telemedicine: an applied project. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 277–282.
Author Biographies

Loreto Gesualdo, Catedrático Nefrología Universidad de Bari (Italia)

Full Professor of Nephrology, Chief of the Renal, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, University Hospital “Policlinico” of Bari, University of Bari

Valeria Caggiano, Universidad Roma Tre

Full ResearcherDipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi ROMA TRE

Andrea Bellezza, Universidad Roma Tre

Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi ROMA TRE

Claudio Mastropaolo, University of Bari

ApuliaBiotechscrl - Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University of Bari


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