Values and beliefs about sexuality, motherhood and abortion

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Paula Alexandra Nelas
Cláudia Chaves
Emília Coutinho
Odete Amaral


Backgroud: Teenagers’ and young adults’ values and beliefs on sexuality, motherhood and abortion are determined by a multiplicity of factors of individual nature and of sociocultural order.

Objectives: Analyze if the sociodemographic, affective, sexual and reproductive variables, influence values and beliefs about sexuality, motherhood and abortion on higher education students.

Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive-correlational and transversal study, with a sample of 641 students (average age of 20.62 years old, sd± 2.145 years old), female (64.9%). The investigation’s protocol was the questionnaire that allowed characterizing the sociodemographic, affective, reproductive and sexually sample. Yet including the Values and Beliefs on Sexuality, Motherhood/Fatherhood and Abortion scale (Serene, Loyal and Maroco, 2009).

Results: Male students manifest more beliefs on terms of motherhood, reproduction. Female students reveal more beliefs when it comes to affection, abortion and pleasure. Residents in urban areas manifest more beliefs when it comes to motherhood. Residents in rural areas have more beliefs and values toward reproduction, abortion. 2nd year students revealed more values and beliefs toward motherhood and reproduction. 1st year students manifested more values and beliefs to affection and pleasure. 3rd year students revealed more values and beliefs towards abortion. That are dating and that have already begun their sexual life obtained more beliefs in all dimensions, especially when it comes to values and beliefs toward pleasure. The ones that don’t use any kind of contraceptive method obtained higher values when it comes to motherhood, reproduction, abortion and values and beliefs in general, whereas the ones that use contraceptive methods obtained more in affection and in pleasure.

Conclusion: The results suggest the need to debate the questions on motherhood, abortion and sexuality with young adults, in context of higher education, in order to enable them to the informed decision making, thus contributing to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health.


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How to Cite
Nelas, P. A., Chaves, C., Coutinho, E., & Amaral, O. (2016). Values and beliefs about sexuality, motherhood and abortion. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 211–220.
Author Biography

Paula Alexandra Nelas, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

PhD Professor

Professor Adjunto na Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, Portugal


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