Love, desire and sexuality in the mature age

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María Auxiliadora González Bueno
Noemí Parra Abaúnza
María Dolores Robledano Celis


The workshop “Love, desire and sexuality in the middle age” is a guided reflection around the social determinants of sexuality in middle age. These are based on a model of natural sexuality that hides and stereotype the sexuality of elder people, impacting on their own subjectivity and the care offered (or ignored) to their needs of sexuality. Sexuality is a closely related aspect to the psychosocial well-being, so it is crucial to think about on those elements that obstruct a satisfactory experience of it.


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González Bueno, M. A., Parra Abaúnza, N., & Robledano Celis, M. D. (2016). Love, desire and sexuality in the mature age. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 17–20.


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