Impact of an ecological intervention in situations of peer rejection in early primary education

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Ghisiaine Marande Perrin
Francisco J. García Bacete
Andrea Rubio Barreda
Inés Millán Rojas
Sara Roselló Sampere
Irene Jiménez Lagares


This study analyzes the impact of a multilevel, multicomponent and multi-agent intervention to fight peer rejection in first and second graders of primary education. The 243 participants of the comparison group (49.8% female) and 233 participants of the intervention group (45.5% female) were administered sociometric measures on two occasions, at the beginning of the first grade and at the end of the second. The differences in the development of both groups were explored. The results indicate clear differences between the intervention group and the comparison group. The situation of the students belonging to the intervention group evolves more favourably than for those belonging to the comparison group, regarding the rate and stability of rejection, the level of rejection received from peers and the social expectations of the students.


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Marande Perrin, G., García Bacete, F. J., Rubio Barreda, A., Millán Rojas, I., Roselló Sampere, S., & Jiménez Lagares, I. (2014). Impact of an ecological intervention in situations of peer rejection in early primary education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 57–68.


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