Guidelines to study academic motivation

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Ana Mª de Caso Fuertes


As motivation bears a reciprocal relation to learning and performance, it is necessary to persist in the study of this psychological construct. Although people have several beliefs about what is and what determines motivation, the scientific study must be guided by a theoretical frame. For this reason, the aim of the present work is to provide guidelines for the study of academic motivation, so that motivational researchers work proving hypothesis, looking to reach fixed objectives or solving doubts, within a practical context which reflects educational reality. To this end, this work tries to clarify what is academic motivation, joining criteria and definitions of the different theoretical models. It also tries to describe the factors which seem to determine academic motivation so that they help us to assess this complex psychological construct. Finally, it also tries to provide guidelines to enhance motivation, so that teachers and parents will know how to act to improve their children academic motivation, which has been demanded persistently by them. This research has been possible thanks to the University of León, which funded the ULE20011-4 project granted to the author to the 2012 year.


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How to Cite
de Caso Fuertes, A. M. (2014). Guidelines to study academic motivation. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 213–220.


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