Profile of the motivation towards learning in pupils with high capacity

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Mª Carmen García del Canto


The aim of this study is to describe the profile of the motivation to learn in students of Elementary and Secondary Education diagnosed as gifted, and to compare it with the profile of students of normal capacity. Despite that gifted students are considered the most skilled for study and homework, they suffer a high rate of low achievement in school. To explore a possible intervention, motivational variables have been chosen to study, as they are widely related to school success in the literature, and have been shown subject to change with proper interventions. This has been studied in a sample of 36 students (18 diagnosed as gifted and 18 of normal capacity) both Elementary Education and Secondary Education, analyzing their motivation through motivational part of the Learning Strategies Questionnaire and Motivation (CEAM) Ayala, Martinez and Yuste (2004), the 60 items measure the Value of learning, Intrinsic Motivation, Teamwork value, External Motivation, the feeling of Self-efficacy and an Internal Attribution of success. The questionnaire was collectively applied to all students in the classroom, then they were selected those diagnosed as gifted, and 18 pairs of the same characteristics with normal capacity to form the comparison group. Results appear consistent with previous scientific research. Gifted students, as a group, gave greater value to learning and had greater feeling of self-efficacy in the school environment that students of normal capacity, there are no major differences between the two groups of students about other motivational determinants.


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García del Canto, M. C. (2014). Profile of the motivation towards learning in pupils with high capacity. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 277–288.


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