Family context and involvement in physical activity during adolescence

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Lorena Revuelta
Guillermo Infante
Inge Axpe


Among the contextual factors that mediate in youth’s well-being and personal adjustment, parental influence is one of the most studied. In this research we focus on the effects that parental support has in youth’s engagement in physical and sport activities, which improves adolescents’ well-being and personal adjustment. Participants were 169 adolescents between 11 – 19 years old (M = 14.22; SD = 1.52) and their families. Results show that parental support (both from parents and mothers) has a stronger effect in daughters. On the other hand, mothers’ support reveals a stronger effect both in sons and daughters engagement.


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Revuelta, L., Infante, G., & Axpe, I. (2014). Family context and involvement in physical activity during adolescence. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 6(1), 311–320.


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