Relationships between perceived parental educational practices and self-esteem, depression signs, and substance use among adolescents

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Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber


Research conducted in different societies regarding interaction between parents and children clearly reveals the strong relationships between parental behaviour and the overall development of their children. This study involved 1400 adolescents and investigated the relationships between perceived parenting educational practices and styles and signs of adolescent depression, self-esteem and antisocial behaviour. The results show that the vast majority of adolescents with signs of depression indicated high frequency of negative communication by their parents, absence of clear rules and supervision and considered their parenting model to be inadequate, given that they do not enforce the demands they make of their children and have little involvement. Adolescents obtaining high self-esteem scores considered their parents to be good models of parenting, since the frequency of their involvement and participation in their children’s lives was high. On the other hand, adolescents who indicated high frequency of disobeying their parents and antisocial behaviour at school also reported absence of supervision and monitoring in their family dynamics, as well as low scores for parental involvement and high levels of negative and coercive parental communication. Based on the data, the conclusion is reached that positive educational styles and practices are related to high self-esteem, absence of signs of depression and absence of oppositional and/or antisocial behaviours. Investing in preventive interventions aimed at optimizing the educational practices of mothers and fathers is a strategy that can foster better family dynamics and better adolescent autonomy and psychological development.


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Dobrianskyj Weber, L. N. (2017). Relationships between perceived parental educational practices and self-esteem, depression signs, and substance use among adolescents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 157–168.


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