Forecasting the perfectionism the high academic goals in Chilean students of higher education?

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Nelly G. Lagos San Martín
Ricardo Sanmartín López
María E. Urrea-Solano
María J. Hernández-Amorós
Lucía Granados Alós
José Manuel García Fernández


The scientific work shows the importance of having high academic goals for the achievement of students at all levels of education, which is necessary to delimit those goals, defining the variables that determine them. Hence, the objective of the study was to analyze the predictive capacity of perfectionism over the academic goals in a sample of 479 Chilean higher education students, 237 men and 242 women, with a age range of 19-36 years. Perfectionism was evaluated with the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) and academic goals with the Academic Targets Questionnaire (CEMA). The data were analyzed trough the method of logistic regression which allow us to report that high scores on perfectionism self-criticism predict high goals in social reinforcement and that high scores on self-oriented improvement predict high learning and achievement goals. With these results it is possible to indicate that indeed perfectionism predicts the high goals that this relationship accounts for the way in which the students in the university context.


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Lagos San Martín, N. G., Sanmartín López, R., Urrea-Solano, M. E., Hernández-Amorós, M. J., Granados Alós, L., & García Fernández, J. M. (2017). Forecasting the perfectionism the high academic goals in Chilean students of higher education?. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 307–314.


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