Behavioral patterns of exchange that predicts success in Taekwondo combats

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Ana del Refugio Cervantes Herrera
Francisco Javier Pedroza Cabrera


The sporting behavior is traditionally studied through indirect instruments, nevertheless the results obtained from observational methodology allows locating the variables on which depends the successful execution of the athlete. In response to this, the present study aimed to locate the interaction patterns that predict victory in Taekwondo fights. 54 fights were videotaped, and were analyzed through a behavioral catalog. Statistically significant differences were found in the technique used by those whom won and whom lost strife and the use of tactical resources. The implications of the results in success in combat and training design are discussed.


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Cervantes Herrera, A. del R., & Pedroza Cabrera, F. J. (2017). Behavioral patterns of exchange that predicts success in Taekwondo combats. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 341–352.


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