Self-esteem, assertiveness and resilience in adolescents institutionalized


Zélia Caçador Anastácio


The institutionalization of children and adolescents has been an increasingly visible problem in modern society. Unfavourable socio-economic conditions have been joining the behavior problems and school absenteeism. When the family fails in its competence for education, social security or the Court withdraws the child or adolescent to a host institution.

The aim of this research was to characterize self-esteem, assertiveness and resilience of institutionalized adolescents in the northern region of Portugal and to establish associations with these dependent variables and gender, scholar level and duration of the institutionalization. For the purpose of this study a wider questionnaire was carried out, and validated with a smaller group. It was a transversal study following a predominantly quantitative methodology, with a convenience sample. The sample included 101 adolescents (55 female and 46 males) from eight institutions, aged between 11 to 21 years old (average 15.45).

For self-esteem the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), already validate for Portuguese adolescents, was used. For assertiveness and resilience it was applied the Global Evaluation Scale of Assertiveness and the Global Evaluation Scale of Resilience (Jardim and Pereira, 2006) we previously adapted and validated for adolescents. Collected data was introduced in a SPSS database. A descriptive analysis was done to characterize the sample concerning all the variables. To establish associations between individual factors and dependent variables t test, correlations and non-parametric test were applied.

Results indicated a relatively low self-esteem (28.03), with girls having a lower value than boys, without significant differences. No correlations were found between self-esteem and the time in the institution. Assertiveness of the sample is average (23.97) and higher for girls than boys, with a positive significant correlation with the scholar grade. Also the resilience is average (25.97), having girls a little lower mean than boys and no significant differences or correlations were found. 






Zélia Anastácio is Assistant Professor in the Institute of Education of the University of Minho. PhD in Child Studies – area of Children Health - by the University of Minho (Portugal) and in Didactics of Biology, Health and Environment by the University Claude Bernard Lyon-1 (France). Master Degree in Health Promotion and Education, as well as License in Biology and Geology by the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal).

She is an integrated member of the Research Center on Child Studies, Unit 317 of the national Foundation for Science and Technology, more precisely in the research group of Children Health, Environment and Physical Education.



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