Factors influencing view of healthcare professionals on spiritual needs of patients.
Dying process can take different forms, may be perceived differently by persons present during the process, and it can be differently asses by dying because of their individuality. We must realize that every death is related to leave-taking man what man liked, with those whom he loved and who were close to him. Man is preparing himself to the dying during all his life, because the way of life is the way to death and man is trying to take it, but he must learn it. We often might think that in dying we are losing happiness, peace, values that we profess and everything we owned. This raises contradictory reactions in dying and in those that are touched by death. The patient in terminal stage of the disease is entrusted to palliative care, which currently aims to ensure to provide for patients a good quality of life until the end. On the other hand, consciousness of mortality often gives life balance and teaches human responsibility for the rest of their life. Some values in these period accents and some diminish the significance. Spiritual needs are closely related to the search for the meaning of life and death and cannot be limited to religiosity, although in most cases they are in this way understood.
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