Risk factors and protection in teachers
Background: The teaching profession is considered as a high-risk profession for the development of clinical outbreaks resulting from excessive workload, low self-satisfaction, students or a mediocre salary. Several studies have demonstrated that a high metacognitive capacity and an emotional recognition can positively influence the quality of life (Amirian and Behshad, 2016; Iacolino et al., 2018; Iacolino et al., 2019).
For this reason the emotional intelligence and the metacognition constructs have become very important in the last few years. Indeed, to know them can help to better understand the dysfunctional effects risk such as the ‘’ Burnout’’ and/or the secondary traumatic stress in this category (Kamenetz, 2015; Hydon et al., 2015). Method: The sample consists of 338 teachers with an average age of 50,19 (SD =7.91), to whom a self-report battery test was administered such as: Ad-hoc Socio-Registry Card; Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ; Santinello, Verzelletti and Altoè, 2006); Self- Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SREIT; Craparo, Magnano and Faraci, 2014); Secondary Traumatic Stress (STSS-I; Setti and Argentero, 2012); Metacognitive functions screening scale-30 (MFSS; Alaimo and Schimmenti, 2013). Results: The results showed that there is not only a statistically significant positive correlation between the two metacognition scales (CDD and CDP) and emotional intelligence (p smaller than 0.01), but there is also a statistically significant negative correlation between emotional intelligence and all scales of LBQ (p smaller than 0.01). For this reason the literature data is certain. (Sprang, Craig and Clark, 2011; Finkelhor et al., 2013). Conclusion: In conclusion, the aim of this work, which is to verify if the EI and good metacognitive capacities could be considered as a protection factor, in order to mitigate possible disfunctional effects like the Burnout syndrom or the secondary traumatic stress, has been confirmed.
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Com citar
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