Co-creation of innovation in higher education - the Portuguese case


Vera Cristina Ribeiro
Luis Araújo Santos
Sara Proença


Demola model aims to apply a methodology of co-creation processes, based on cooperation systems, having as objective applying science, technology and innovation policies in personal, educational and business contexts. Considering that the co-creation method is based on a joint initiative, in which providers and beneficiaries create value together, it is intended to demonstrate the impact this methodology brings to educational quality, namely its application to the Portuguese polytechnic higher education system. From the insights and ideas that emerged from the content analysis, this description is enriched and an integrated definition of co-creation of value is developed. Firstly, a theoretical contextualization of the definition of co-creation and its processes is proposed, giving emphasis to the model developed by Demola Global. Then, the impacts of its application on students, teachers and organizations, evaluated through surveys carried out after a first batch of co-creation projects, are presented and discussed. With this study, it is meant to identify the main changes that co-creation confers when applied in the learning context and which significant developments result from its use.




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