New empirical results of some processes highlighted in the development of lexical abilities in 8 to 11-12 year olds


Luigi Aprile


We have verified the hypothesis claiming the presence of less advanced cognitive processes in the development of lexical abilities, in primary school children. The empirical data was gathered from a sample of 472 third grade students, 495 fourth grade students and 521 fifth grade students, with an approximate male-female gender balance; students belong to a middle range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, and do not present learning, reading, or writing disabilities or difficulties. The study was conducted in a two-phase experimental design. The first phase saw the gathering of word definitions from a sample of 100 participants, both female and male, for each grade from third to fifth, belonging to the same demographic constituency and sharing the same scholastic qualities as the subjects of the second phase. The second phase involved the completion of 8 tests already verified through item analysis, each with 4 multiple-choice answers evaluating lexical abilities, in which the less advanced processes were among the wrong answers. We verified the presence of said processes, such as tautologies, graphophonemic linking, consecutive effects, image values, and dominant meaning-frequency relationship in the development of lexical abilities of the participants.




Biografia de l'autor/a

Luigi Aprile, University of Florence

Ph.D. Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology at University of Florence
Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Com citar

New empirical results of some processes highlighted in the development of lexical abilities in 8 to 11-12 year olds. (2015). Revista INFAD De Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology., 1(1), 181-192.


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