An exploratory study on adaptive psychopathological risk and problematic use of the web associated with procrastination in university students

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Luca Cerniglia


Procrastination is a growing phenomenon among university students and international research has pointed out that it can affect the quality of students’ achievements, and even their psycho-physical well-being. It has been suggested that, besides manifesting in the academic context, procrastination represents in some subjects a stable trend in various areas of daily life and can persist for the rest of their lives. This study has recruited a convenience sample of N=382 university students in Italy, who were administered through the Pure Procrastination Scale, the Adult Self-Report, the Internet Addiction Test, and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Our results confirmed the association between psychopathological risk, impulsiveness, problematic use of the web and a propensity towards academic procrastination in a sample of university students, providing support for the construction of prevention and intervention programs.





Luca Cerniglia, University Uninettuno

Faculty of Psychology International Telematic


An exploratory study on adaptive psychopathological risk and problematic use of the web associated with procrastination in university students. (2019). Revista INFAD De Psicología. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology., 1(1), 41-48.


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