Analysis of the main ADHD diagnosis variables for children between 6-12 years of age
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Schooling allows identifying potential developmental shortages in children, as they get compared to their peers. Some may find it hard to stay still and focus on the task at hand, show inadequate levels of hyperactivity and impulsiveness that may even interfere with the development of the normal functioning and academic results. How can we find out if these behaviours are typical of the natural and biological development of children, the result of a learning difficulty or disorder, or an indication of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Objective: To analyse the different standard procedure protocols to assess and diagnose ADHD in children between 6-12 years of age. Method: Systematic review of the different types of assessment used to diagnose ADHD among this population group. Results: It has been noticed that ADHD is a chronic, neurobiological disorder with a high co-morbidity. The diagnosis, exclusively clinical, must consider the wider clinical history of the children to (a) assess the personal, family and school background; (b) complete a mental, physical and neurological examination; (c) confirm the differential diagnose, and (d) use the diagnose criteria of DSM 5 and CIE-11- EMM. Conclusions: The items that should be included in the assessment completed to diagnose the ADHD are proposed.
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