Student perception toward mathematics assessment, temporality toward exams, the understanding toward problems associated to the numbers and mathematical operations in real life. Really are factors generators of anxiety toward Math?
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In our globalized world, the challenges are strong, and therefore it is necessary to attack the problem (phenomena) immediately and find solutions that allow that students develop greatest skill and competencies in mathematics.A survey was personally administered to 299 students from two high schools at Tuxtepec, Oaxaca in Mexico. Statistical procedure was the factorial analysis with an extracted principal component in order to Measure data as refer García-Santillán, Venegas-Martínez and Escalera-Chávez (2013). The Bartlett's Sphericity test and the KMO index (0.875), X2 calculated, 1257.558 with 10 df mayor que X2tabulated, Sig. 0.000 p menor que 0.01, MSA (ANSIEVAL .832; ANSITEM .871; ANSICOM .918; ANSINUM .863; ANSISIMA .914) allow us to know that the variables of Muñoz and Mato-Vázquez scale, help us to understand the student’s anxiety toward mathematics. It is necessary to find new ways of teaching and learning process that allows, from the basic levels of education, to stimulate the interest of students toward mathematics.
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