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1 – “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology” is an interdisciplinary publication open to collaborations of empirical and theoretical nature in any of the different fields of study of Psychology. Both Spanish manuscripts and other languages are welcome.

The work submitted must be unpublished and not being under review in any other publication or have been sent to other publications simultaneously. The main objectives of the International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology are the presentation of research results and scientific papers on Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Education, in particular focused on addressing New Contexts in Education, Health and Quality of Life. Journal is dedicated to professors, psychologists and / or teachers, health, teachers and all those working in the field of psychological science and health, specially from the point of view of development.

2 – Scientific content: collaborations will be accepted as follows:
2.1 – Empirical and theoretical articles; Review articles and / or case studies, brief clinical reports
 (containing the summary of experiences or clinical studies, therapeutic trials or cases of special interest exposure). Articles with both quantitative and qualitative methods and others are accepted.
The extent of the publication shall not exceed 15 pages single-spaced, in Times font 12 or equivalent, including references and illustrations. Each page should not exceed 30 lines. Exceptionally, in case it requires, more pages may be received. The margins should be 3cm. on both sides.
2.2 – Letters to the Editor in order to comment on the articles published in the Journal or to provide information on a specific topic in any field of Psychology. Its length should not exceed 4 pages, in Times font 12 or equivalent.
2.3 – Book Reviews (sent by own initiative or expressly requested by the Editor). The extension may not exceed 4 single-spaced pages (Times font 12 or equivalent).
The INFAD Journal is planning to publish monographs. The topics and collaboration would be announced. As well as, some mini-series of articles on specific topics may be published along several numbers under the appropriate heading.

3 – Manuscripts collaborations, which can include:
3.1 –. An initial page containing the publication title, the name of the author(s) and in which institution or organization belongs to. It will also contain the postal address, email and phone number.
Identification of the authors must contain at least the name of the institution in which author is working. This information can be found both at the beginning and end of each article.

3.2 –. The first page will contain the title and a synopsis (150 to 300 words) both in native language of the author and in English. Up to five key words in both languages must be indicated. In order to ensure the anonymity of the copy editors, references to authorship shouldn´t be contained.

3.3 -. Tables, figures and illustrations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. These tables will be placed in the appropriate part of the text. The maximum size is 12 × 18 cms, including table header and / or footer figure. Each one must be also presented in a separate document, as it is necessary to manipulate when printing, and should be sent without locks or passwords which stop their use by the editing team. These additional sheets are not taken into account of the total maximum pages.

4 – Selection and Admission of articles. INFAD’s Journal will publish their articles in relation to the subjects and in order of arrival in the Editorial Board.

5 – Publication Guidelines:
The writing of manuscripts, for any collaboration, must follow the standards published by the American Psychological Association (APA, 1994) and contained in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

5.1 –. Manuscripts submission.
To submit a manuscript to the Editor, a copy shall be sent in electronic form (as an attachment via e-mail) to the following platform: revista.infad.eu

6 – The manuscript should be prepared in Word or another program compatible with Microsoft platforms and / or Mac OSX with the characteristics listed before in paragraph 3.

7 – Review and Reviewers
The review will follow a protocol established for that purpose and will be anonymous and made by external evaluators, so the name of the authors nor their origin should not appear in any section of the manuscript. In case of requesting to the author corrections, these should be delivered to the Director within three months. After this time without having received the new manuscript version, the work will be returned to the author and the publication will be dismissed. We will not accept any work until corrections have been made. To facilitate the task of the Editorial Board, when the authors resubmitted a manuscript previously evaluated, they must attach a letter which includes the modifications made (section, page, line) and, if that was the case, the views diverge.
Manuscripts will be accepted or rejected for publication within approximately three months.
Manuscripts that are not accepted will be returned to the authors.

8 –Proofreading. Once the article is accepted for publication it will undergo proper proofreading.The publication of an article will contain the dates about the receipt and acceptance of the originals.

9 – Copyright of the published articles belongs to International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Any other profit derived from the publish research belongs to the authors. Any natural or legal person who wishes to reprint part or all of an article must obtain written permission from the Editor, who will grant the permission under the consent of the author.

10 – Ethical responsibilities. In case of articles which describe experiments where human beings have participated, it should be indicated whether the procedures followed by authors are conformed to the ethical standards of the responsible ethics committee. It is forbidden the use of names or medical history which can identify the participants. Specially in clinical cases, it should be hidden the identity of the participant, if it does not compromise the scientific rigor of the published report. The authors should mention in the Participants section what procedures have used in patients and what controls were performed after obtaining the permission.

In case of experiments on animals, it should be indicated if the author has followed the guidelines of an institution orinternational research council or national regulatory laws for the care and use of laboratory animals.

In case of articles which describe funded studies it should be included the credit recognition and the permission to publish given by the institution which funded the research.

The journal does not accept articles which have been previously published.

Authors are responsible to obtain permission to reproduce partial text, tables or figures coming from other publications, as well as citing correctly the source. These permissions must be sought from both the author and the publisher or magazine.

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, authors are expected to declare any commercial association relative to the article submitted.

In the authors list should be only included those persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the study. In general, an author is included when having participated in the conception and realization of the work that has resulted in the article, having participated in the drafting of the text and the revisions,and having approved the final version that will eventually be published.

The authors are responsible for the views and opinions expressed in the publications, INFAD Journal of Psychology will not involve therein. INFAD decline all responsibility for any disputes arising from the authorship of the studies published in the Journal.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • The attached file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text has a simple line spacing, a font size of 12 points, italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, instead of at the end.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the journal.
  • In the case of sending the text to the peer evaluation section, follow the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation.