Inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder in the university system: analysis and responses from an international perspective.

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Raquel de la Fuente Anuncibay
José Luis Cuesta Gómez


The increase in the prevalence of autism has generated a scenario in which a large number of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are entering higher education, which poses new educational and social challenges. The aim of the European initiative Autism and Uniis to determine the perception that students with ASD, their families and teachers have of the possibilities of success, the challenges and the necessary support. As well as to know, in general, the importance of being prepared for adult life, vocational guidance and decision-making to ensure their success. The research was based on seven groups for which specific questionnaires were developed through expert judgment, with a sample of 280 people of whom 140 were people with ASD. The main qualitative and descriptive results indicate that the eligibility for support in the university system consists of combining the needs of the person, the university processes and the university and training dynamics of each country. Support for students with ASD should cover other areas of everyday life in addition to those that are purely academic in order to optimise the adaptation and performance of students during their university years.

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Inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder in the university system: analysis and responses from an international perspective. (2017). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 13-22.


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