Attitudes of the general population towards sexual relationships of people with functional diversity: modulating variables
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The general population does not show the same tolerance towards same-sex relationships as between heterosexuals, as does relationships between people of different ages. The aim of this study was to explore whether the tolerance towards sexual relations of people with functional diversity also depends on aspects such as the age of the members of the couple, their sexual orientation and, above all, the type of disability. For this, 450 people filled a scale of attitudes toward sexual relations in people with disabilities where two variables (age and sexual orientation) were crossed. On a scale between 1 (Totally inappropriate) and 5 (Totally adequate), the average score in the assessment of sexual activity in disability was 3.93. According to the type, the sex between the sensorial disabled was followed more appropriately, followed by between the physically disabled and thirdly between the intellectual disabled. Without distinguishing the disability, they were considered as more acceptable those sexual relations that, independently of the sexual orientation of the pair, both had near ages showing itself a modulating factor in the attitude. In conclusion, the general population maintains positive attitudes toward relationships in the disabled, although the group of the intellectually disabled continues to be the worst considered regardless of the age of the participants, their gender and whether or not they know someone with a disability. These results suggest the inclusion of attitudinal modules in programs of affective-sexual education aimed at the general population.
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